Underbust 沙漏紧身胸衣 是一种旨在塑造沙漏身材的紧身胸衣。 它们设计用于穿在衣服下面,通常由织物和胶骨的组合制成。紧身胸衣设计为紧贴腰部,营造出显瘦效果。
紧身胸衣的紧身胸衣 是那些想要打造沙漏身材的人的热门选择。他们的紧身胸衣采用优质材料制成,设计舒适。他们还提供多种款式和颜色,因此您一定会找到满足您需求的完美紧身胸衣。
下胸围沙漏紧身胸衣是打造修身迷人廓形的绝佳方式。通过合适的合身和款式,您可以看起来和感觉最好。因此,如果您想要塑造沙漏身材,请务必查看 Corsettery 的紧身胸衣系列。
1. 准确测量您的腰围:选择专为测量紧身胸衣制作的下胸围沙漏时,最重要的考虑因素是确保准确测量您的腰围。使用卷尺并确保在最窄处进行测量。
2. 考虑材质:选择紧身胸衣的下胸围沙漏时,还应考虑紧身胸衣的材质。选择舒适透气的材料,例如棉或丝绸。
3.选择款式:有多种款式可供选择下胸沙漏专为测量紧身胸衣而设计 可用的。选择一种让您感觉舒适并与您的体型相得益彰的款式。
4. 考虑骨架:为测量紧身胸衣制作的下胸围沙漏骨架将提供支撑,并有助于定义您的腰围。选择带钢骨或螺旋骨的紧身胸衣以获得最佳效果。
5. 确保合身:合身对于量身定做紧身胸衣的下胸围沙漏至关重要。确保紧身胸衣紧贴您的腰部。
在 Corsettery 中,我们有一种特殊的配方,可以收紧腰部,同时让紧身胸衣穿着舒适!因此,请向我们提供您的自然尺寸和想要的腰围。
I recently purchased an underbust made-to-measure corset from Corsettery and I am extremely satisfied with the result. The process of having the corset custom made was straightforward and the end result was a perfect fit.
I appreciated the opportunity to customize the style and design of the corset to suit my personal taste and body type. The underbust style is particularly flattering on my figure and the corset provides excellent support and shaping for my waist and torso.
One of the standout features of the made-to-measure corset is the high-quality materials and craftsmanship. The corset is well-constructed and feels durable and long-lasting.
I would highly recommend an underbust made-to-measure corset to any woman looking for a custom fit and high-quality product. The investment is worth it for the perfect fit and long-lasting wear.